Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Eh? Another post by Naito!! (Because I have no life and I don't want to study)

Hello~ again~
I'm seriously bored... so I post here instead of ranting on my blog which I deleted because someone found it....

Hmmm what to talk about?
Okay.... Topic of the day: Why I Cosplay :D

I started cosplaying because.... actually there was not much of a reason for me to start but I was watching Animax and I saw the event AFA (2009) and I saw Kaname-sama :D haha it was the first time I ever thought of cosplaying because he looked really handsome (Yea I wanted to be handsome instead of pretty like Alodia lol) and I was insane with Final Fantasy at the time (What am I talking about? I still am!! >.< NOTHING BEATS FINAL FANTASY!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... actually there's Pokemon.... and God Eater.... and Persona... and Dynasty Warriors.... and Sengoku Basara... etc!) and so I supposed that sparked my interest :D

But I didn't really really cosplay till this year :D

I consider this my official year that I started cosplaying >.<

My first character is Hong Kong from Hetalia~
Then my second is Kaito
Then my OC, Naito Ryuu

And you can see from the list.... they are all boys....

So I've never cos-ed a girl before~

But since I've started cosplaying, I've been taking care of myself, going to the gym, eating properly, not sleeping, sleeping earlier when needed. Haha and due to cosplay I've learned how to put on make up and be a healthy (not that healthy but healthy enough lol) person. YOU CAN'T SAY COSPLAY IS BAD after reading that!!!!

I cosplay for the fun of it :D
I get to meet new people and have fun
Yes I know I keep repeating that it's fun
It's because it's actually really fun
I know you're getting irritated because I keep saying fun
But it's fun fun fun >:D like Rebecca Black's song~

Cosplaying is addictive...and awesome ^o^

And I <3 IT!

Okay~ I'm done with my random ranting XD


-Naito Ryuu-